We preserve and enhance the Munjoy Hill neighborhood through outreach, community building and advocacy.
Munjoy Hill is a neighborhood packed with many handsome and well-preserved examples of homes built by and for workers in the mid-19th century. It is surrounded by striking natural beauty. Its wonderful attributes have been “discovered” in the last 20 years, to the extent that incompatible new development now threatens its status as an affordable and lively place to live. We aim to maintain the social fabric, manage change, and protect this treasured walkable urban neighborhood from inappropriate development. But we cannot achieve our goals alone. Find out how you can help.
2024-2025 Board of Directors Members:
President, Mike Dixon m.dixon@munjoyhill.org
Vice President, Ali Mann a.mann@munjoyhill.org
Secretary, Ned Chester ned.chester@munjoyhill.org
Treasurer, Karen Snyder k.snyder@munjoyhill.org
Peter Blackstone p.blackstone@munjoyhill.org
Mary Casale m.casale@munjoyhill.org
Kate Connolly k.connolly@munjoyhill.org
Carol Connor c.connor@munjoyhill.org
Debby Murray d.murray@munjoyhill.org
Nina Schmir n.schmir@munjoyhill.org
Barbara Vestal b.vestal@munjoyhill.org
Maggy Wolf m.wolf@munjoyhil.org
Scroll down to find out about our organization: its mission, vision and values.
Our Board of Directors meets on the first Monday of every month at 5:00 p.m. at our office at 92 Congress Street. Members are welcome at each meeting. We hold a get-together for all members, our annual meeting, each June, and other gatherings and events are scheduled periodically throughout the year.
Take Action
Ready to take the next step? You can become a member of the MHNO or contributor to our cause. Click below.